California State Flag Californians for
Electoral Reform
PO Box 128, Sacramento, CA 95812
cfer DASH info AT cfer DOT org
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Learn about Electoral Reform

Many of these articles are by individual CfER members or other groups, and express points of view that are not necessarily shared by all members, or CfER as an organization. However, they can help anyone learn about the concepts and controversies important to CfER.

Articles and brochures

A Review of the 2010 Oakland Contest for Mayor

Improving the California Republic (slideshow version)

Proportional Representation - Questions and Answers (Microsoft Word format)

How does choice voting compare to other methods?

What is Instant Runoff Voting? - Why is it so great?

Sacramento's Fun-House Mirror:
Showing How California's Legislature Doesn't Closely Represent its Body Politic

Single-Member Districts: Divide and Conquer

Redistricting in Tic-Tac-Toe Town

The Center for Voting and Democracy's Redistricting Roulette

Vermont groups have produced a demonstration and a more recent report (pdf).

CfER's newsletters

Here is a series of articles by Steve Chessin:

Proportional Representation Proposals

A 16 super-district plan for the California Assembly

Educational Videos

Reference items

Questions and Answers about full representation methods and Instant Runoff Voting
including discussion of other election methods and of ballot measures

Setting The Record Straight on IRV

Glossary of terms related to election methods

Quotes from authoritative sources about PR

These other sites provide a lot of info on PR.

Instructions for counting a choice voting election (Microsoft Word format) (PDF format) and a related form (Microsoft Word format) (PDF format)

Demographic info (somewhat old, but not necessarily inaccurate)

PR would result in the election of more women, as these statistics show.

PR could boost voter turnout.

Here are some stats on the racial and ethnic composition of the state assembly.